Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

cara tidur sehat

Cara agar Tidur Lebih Menyehatkan — Gangguan tidur merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan yang bisa menimpa siapa saja. Kurang tidur tidak hanya membuat Anda mudah mengantuk, tetapi juga memengaruhi kondisi kesehatan secara keseluruhan. Lantas apa yang harus dilakukan? Langkah pertama adalah dengan membangun rutinitas sehat sebelum tidur. beberapa tip yang dapat Anda coba untuk membuat pikiran dan tubuh menjadi rileks sehingga membantu membawa Anda tidur lebih lelap dan menyehatkan.
 1. Relax before bed
 Give your body time to relax at least 30 minutes before going to bed. Turn off televisions, computers, video games, or anything that can stimulate you to move. Allow your mind to switch from work mode to sleep mode. Keep all forms of electronic goods, such as mobile phones or i-phone, from your bed
 2. Eating, drinking, and maintaining healthy
 Your body is like a big machine that requires the intake of food and drinks to your metabolism. Avoid large meals at night. Eat early and avoid fatty foods or foods that may interfere with your sleep ..
 3. Relax
 If you find it difficult to cope with stress, try to do a routine that can make your body become more relaxed, for example, soak in warm water or sip a glass of warm milk. Do a little stretching or deep breathing relaxation techniques while listening to soothing music. Turn off the lights to induce the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps you to sleep.
 4. Avoid napping too late
 Be careful with your nap time. Although naps can be a great way to recharge or catch up on sleep, but if you take a nap too late, you may be having trouble sleeping at night.
 5. “Clean” your mind
 Clean up all sorts of thoughts in your mind before deciding to move to the bed. How do I? Take a sheet of paper and write down all the problems and issues you are currently experiencing, such as job-related problems, conflict with someone, or financial problems. Do not forget to write down at least three things that can make you feel grateful

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